Sales and Service → Customer Service Essentials

Going beyond Customer Service (CSE10v2)

It goes without saying that customers expect to receive good service. In fact, all businesses try to deliver great customer service. But because everyone’s aiming to deliver excellence, you need to find ways to go beyond customer expectations.

To give customers the best experience, you need to know where customer service begins and ends. There’ll be points in customer service that can be improved by things like personalization and using the right high-touch interaction. And to make sure you’re giving customers something special, you can apply tips to go above and beyond standard service.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Describe three phases of customer service
• Explain how to identify weaknesses within the customer service approach
• Apply high-impact customer-service tips

Why take this course?

Going beyond regular customer service delights customers. If you want to deliver outstanding customer service, this course is for you. It’ll show you the customer-service life cycle, and the potential weaknesses to be aware of in high-touch customer service. You’ll also learn great tips on providing customer service that goes beyond expectations.

15 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

Version Date: 2023/11/29

  • Going Beyond Customer Service
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever